The aim of this course is to provide managers and supervisors with information that blends useful skills, legal and social responsibilities and best practices within the hospitality and retail industries. It will give managers the knowledge and confidence they need to carry out their duties. It will also help them understand the importance of their role in promoting the Four Licensing Objectives.
Each situation a manager deals with is unique but this course will provide them with the tools they need to carry out their job safely and responsibly, in compliance with the law.
Each individual user’s log in credentials are valid for 12 months.
All candidates who complete RASPFLO are offered the course again as a free refresher – we will send candidates a reminder e-mail six months after they have completed the course.
We recommend a rolling programme of annual staff training and will contact you before the 12 months have expired.
Managers Course – Over the course of 15 modules, trainees will learn about the following topics:
Unit 1 – An Introduction to the Licensing Act 2003
Gives an overview of the Licensing Act 2003.
This unit covers:
- The requirements for having a licence
- Mandatory and venue specific conditions
- The penalties for breaching conditions
Unit 2 – The Four Licensing Objectives
Explains the importance of promoting the objectives at all times
This unit covers:
- Naming the Four Licensing Objectives
- Understanding the significance of each objective
- Learning methods to promote the objectives.
Unit 3 – Closure Powers
Explains the wide array of closure powers and remedial action available to the statutory authorities.
This unit covers:
- The most common forms of closure powers
- The process of when there is a Review of a Premises Licence
- The potential consequences of a Review or other remedial action
Unit 4 – Age
When it comes to serving minors, one mistake can potentially cost you your Premises Licence.
This unit covers:
- How to properly check IDs
- Identifying invalid IDs
- The rules regarding alcohol and minors
Unit 5 – Intoxication
Intoxication costs the UK an average of £21 billion a year. This unit will help staff understand the dangers intoxication poses to your business, the requirements of the law and gives them the tools to deal with the issue effectively.
This unit covers:
- The effects of alcohol on the body
- How to identify and deal with intoxicated guests
- The best methods to prevent intoxication
Unit 6 – Preventing Drug Use / Dealing
If you are concerned in the management of the premises and are made aware of the use or attempted use of controlled drugs, whether for personal consumption or supply to others, then you have a legal obligation to take action.
The unit covers:
- Ways to identify, prevent and understand the effects of drug use and dealing
- The components of a comprehensive drugs policy
Unit 7 – Prevention and Intervention
‘Early Intervention is better than a cure’. This section explains measures to combat serious incidents and that early intervention can prevent incidents from escalating.
This unit covers:
- Policies and procedures
- Human resources
- Physical measures
Unit 8 – Guest Welfare
There is a clear responsibility for operators to have a duty of care for their customers. This section explains the importance of guest welfare and the various risks that can affect the welfare of your guests.
The unit covers:
- Identifying vulnerable people
- Ways to provide for the welfare of your guests
Unit 9 – Ejections
There are occasions when you will have to ask a guest to leave your premises. This section explains the importance of safe ejections and walk outs:
The unit covers:
- The various risks when carrying out an ejection
- Ejecting a person safely in a professional manner
Unit 10 – Conflict Management
A conflict is defined as “A clash or disagreement, often violent, between two opposing groups or individuals”. This sections deals with managing the risk of violence and aggression.
The unit covers:
- Ways to reduce aggression and prevent confrontations escalating
- Measures you can take to deal with aggressive and violent customers
Unit 11 – Dealing with Serious Incidents
It is important that you and your staff understand the necessary actions that should be taken if there is a serious incident.
The unit covers:
- The definition of a serious incident
- Procedures to follow in the event of a serious incident
How to investigate following a serious incident
Unit 12 – Crime Scene Preservation
After a crime scene has been discovered, it is important that measures are taken to secure and protect the scene from contamination.
This unit covers:
- When a crime scene would need to be preserved
- Actions to take to ensure the preservation of a crime scene
- Writing a witness statement
Unit 13 – Incident Reporting
It is important accurate details of any incident is recorded at the time should there be a requirement for investigation at a later date and to show that incidents were dealt with correctly.
The unit covers:
- Types of incident that should be reported
- The details an incident report should contain
Unit 14 – Daily Records
It is important to show you take all reasonable precautions and exercised all due diligence in the management of your premises.
The unit covers:
- The types of records that should be maintained on a daily basis
- Why keeping records is good due diligence evidence
Unit 15 – Factors that Affect Drinking Behaviour
The course concludes with a section that highlights the part staff can play in reducing risk, followed by an end of course knowledge test.
The unit covers:
- The factors that affect irresponsible alcohol consumption
- Ways staff can promote a safe and responsible environment
- How to positively influence a responsible and safe drinking culture.